Implementation of A Village Fund Allocation Management for Sustainable Rural Development in Sigaluh Sub-District, Banjarnegara

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Agung Kurniawan
Ankarlina Pandu Primadata
Soraya Fajar Ayu Lestari
Ardila Putri


Village governments are responsible for distributing village funds. This study aims to explain how
village funds are managed to achieve sustainable development by allocating them to four sectors: village
government, village development, community empowerment, and emergency disaster management. Effectiveness
measurement indicators include goal achievement, integration, and adaptation to the results of achievements. Data
was obtained from 14 villages in Sigaluh District, Banjarnegara Regency, and a qualitative method was used. The
research was conducted through interview methods and literature studies on government reports on the allocation
of village funds that each village has implemented. The results showed that the village funds in Sigaluh District
were distributed in the four areas based on the community's priority needs that were agreed upon at Musrembang.
The priority of the village government administration is to provide more effective and efficient services to the
community. Village development focuses on physical and non-physical development, including increasing village
road access and providing Posyandu assistance to reduce stunting. The allocation of funds in community
empowerment is focused on the agriculture, fisheries, and UMKM sectors to support village food security.
Emergency disaster management is focused on handling COVID-19 and disaster mitigation. Local village
governments play important and crucialrole in sustainable development in rural areas as they control the
implementation of various programs. The allocation of village funds in the Sigaluh sub-district is designed to be
carried out with the principle of frugality, directed at achieving goals and benefits for the village community, and
is well-controlled.

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How to Cite
Kurniawan, A., Primadata, A., Lestari, S., & Putri, A. (2024). Implementation of A Village Fund Allocation Management for Sustainable Rural Development in Sigaluh Sub-District, Banjarnegara. Jurnal Sosiologi Andalas, 10(1), 18-29.


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